The benefits of creative drama

The benefits of creative drama


As Dorothy HEATHCOTE said, drama is a challenge of life, drama is something that everyone has to experince it for their selves. All the children carrys the colours of life inside them, as a creative drama lider and a counselor my duty is to bring into the open those colours so that they can all explore them selves and raise their abilities to the highest level.

Creative drama is a magical process wich you can be a imaginary character in a imaginary world with problems that needed to be solved. İn this process with playing games, acting, dancing, writing and drawing, kids are actually learning without realizing.

İ always believed in the healing power of playing games before a became a creative drama lider, after i became a lider i figured out that healing power of playing is not just for kids but its also for adultes too.

With the right methods and techniques it can really help you to prove and be a solution to a lot of issues like communication issuess, withdrawn kids, helps to prove the language or the creativity and also the critical thinking but my favorite one is to prove the problem solving ability and with this ability you can allways be ready what ever future brings to you.

İts also really fascinating to work with parents. Couse working with parent helps to prove the family communication and also helps to actually understand their kids and what their going through and how is it be a kid in this century.

İts imposible to wright all the benefits of creative drama. Hothcote is right you have to experince it for yourselves. So just between us, come on and search for creative drama class near you and try it even just one lesson, i can promise you it will change your life.


Kendimden biraz bahsetmek gerekirse, İranlı bir baba ve Türk bir annenin kızıyım. İstanbulda doğdum ancak yedi yaşıma geldiğimde babamın işi dolayısıyla Yeni Zellandaya gitmiş bulunduk. Bir kaç sene başkentte ikamet ettikten sonra bir süreliğine İranda da ikamet etmeye başladık. İstanbul Üniversitesi Psikolojik Danışmanlık ve Rehberlik bölümünü kazandığımda ise tekrar İstanbula geri gelmiş bulundum. Üniversite eğitimim bittikten ve bir süre iş deneyimi kazandıktan sonra Bilişsel Davranış Terapi eğitimi, Yaratıcı Drama eğitici eğitmeni ve bir çok eğitime katıldım.

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